Harman DCC, the home of Signalist DCC decoders

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SC1    SC2    DP8    Signals    Actuators    Commander

SC1 issue 3 photo

Signalist SC1 - LED signal decoder

The ultimate DCC decoder for controlling LED colour light signals.

See the UK SC1 manual or North America SC1 manual for more information.

Signalist SC2 - Point servo decoder

DCC servo decoder with integrated frog switching for use with standard RC servos or Peco PLS125 point motors. Will operate four points (or crossovers with 'Y' cables for the servos). Can be powered by the DCC track supply or by alternative 16V AC or 12V DC supplies as required.

See the SC2 manual for more information.

Signalist DP8 - Dapol semaphore adaptor

Adaptor module to allow an SC1 to control eight Dapol semaphore signals. Includes power converter so signals can be powered from DCC track supply or 12V DC.

See the DP8 manual for more information.

Signalist Signal parts

Parts to help you build your own signals in conjunction with existing kits and signal parts from other manufacturers.
Plug in base, heads, convertors.

Signalist Actuators

Motorising products to actuate points and signals.

Signalist Commander - Touch screen layout control centre

The Signalist Commander is a control centre with touch screen and Wi-Fi connectivity pre-configured with JMRI ready to connect to your DCC system via Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or USB.

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